Wednesday 6 January
Wednesday 6 January
12.00 - 1.45
- PJ Hall: Registration (buffet lunch available)
- Drama RR: 1pm: Workshop for session chairs
- Cledwyn 3: RMA Publications Committee Meeting
1.45 - 2.00
- Powis Hall: Welcome meeting address
- Cledwyn 3: RMA Publications Committee Meeting
2.00 - 3.30
- Powis Hall: Composers’ workshop with Electroacoustic Wales
- Rathbone Hall: Lecture‐recital session 1
- G1: Paper session 1a Transmission and adaptation
- Greek Room: Paper session 1b Contradictions and paradoxes
- RWP Room: Paper session 1c Narrative
- Drama RR: Paper session 1d Gender (1)
3.30 - 4.00
- PJ Hall: Tea
4.00 - 5.30
- Powis Hall: Composers’ workshop with Electroacoustic Wales
- Rathbone Hall: Lecture‐recital session 2
- G1: Paper session 2a Improvisation
- Greek Room: Paper session 2b Media
- RWP Room: Paper session 2c Preservation and renewal
- Drama RR: Paper session 2d Movement and the body
5.30 - 6.30
- PJ Hall: Wine reception sponsored by Routledge
8.00 - 10.00
- Powis Hall: CONCERT Electroacoustic Wales
Thursday 7 January
Thursday 7 January
- Powis Hall: Workshops for composers with Okeanos
- Rathbone Hall: Masterclass with Sholto Kynoch
- G1: Paper session 3a Interdisciplinarity
- Greek Room: Paper session 3b Nationalisms
- RWP Room: Paper session 3c Perception
- Drama RR: Paper session 3d Reception
- PJ Hall: Coffee
11.30 - 12.30
- Powis Hall: Getting Published
- Drama RR: Post‐PhD careers beyond academia
12.30 - 2.00
- PJ Hall: Lunch and Networking
- Cledwyn 3: RMA Council Meeting (Until 2:30pm)
2.00 - 3.30
- Powis Hall: Workshops for composers with Okeanos
- Rathbone Hall: Masterclass with Sholto Kynoch
- G1: Paper session 4a Authenticity and originality
- Greek Room: Paper session 4b Gender (2)
- RWP Room: Paper session 4c Genre and boundaries
- Drama RR: Paper session 4d New compositional practices
3.30 - 4.00
- PJ Hall: Tea
4.00 - 5.00
- Powis Hall: Open discussion of graduate training needs
- Powis Hall: RMA Student Rep hustings
- Powis Hall: KEYNOTE Keith Howard (SOAS): ‘The future of our musical pasts’
8.00 - 10.00
- Powis Hall: CONCERT Okeanos
Friday 8 January 2015
Friday 8 January
- G1: Paper session 5a Identity
- Greek Room: Paper session 5b Definitions
- RWP Room: Paper session 5c Unity within diversity
- Drama RR: Paper session 5d Opera and music theatre
11.00 - 11.30
- PJ Hall: Coffee
11.30 - 12.30
- Powis Hall: Current issues in HE Music (NAMHE‐ convened panel)
- Drama RR: Fieldwork methods
12.30 - 1.30
PJ Hall: Lunch
Cledwyn 3: RMA Student Committee meeting
1.30 - 3.00
- Powis Hall: Lecture‐recital session 3
- Rathbone Hall: Paper session 6a Material culture
- G1: Paper session 6b Aesthetics and meaning
- Greek Room: Paper session 6c Idiom and organisation
- RWP Room: Paper session 6d Music for voices
- Powis Hall: KEYNOTE: Jerome Roche Lecture Nanette Nielsen (Oslo): ‘The work of musicology in the age of cultural reproduction’
- Powis Hall: Valediction
The draft conference timetable may be downloaded here.
The content of each session is listed here.